CodeFoodPixels’s avatarCodeFoodPixels’s Twitter Archive—№ 6,276

    1. …in reply to @NTE_North
      @NTE_Leeds Frequently the questions are "I have this specific problem, fix it for me", things that aren't questions or things that are just the asker showing off how much they know. When they're actual questions, they usually have some back and forth which is difficult to have in Q&A.
  1. …in reply to @CodeFoodPixels
    @NTE_Leeds The conversations that are in place of the Q&A sessions are by no means one-on-one, they're an opportunity for those interested in finding out more to join a group discussion.
    1. …in reply to @CodeFoodPixels
      @NTE_Leeds As a speaker I find this approach way better because you're not on the spot as much and it's a bit more relaxed and chatty. As an audience member it means that I don't have to sit through a load of questions I don't necessarily care about.