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  1. Using Monzo actually really helps me manage my money as someone with ADHD, and even helped before I knew I had ADHD. Paying bills from a pot was an amazing addition, because it meant that the money for my bills was set aside and wasn't part of my spending money. monzo/1541348231099154434
    1. …in reply to @CodeFoodPixels
      And just being able to put money aside into a pot so easily meant that I could have various pots for various savings.
      1. …in reply to @CodeFoodPixels
        Salary sorting also makes things way easier. I can hit a button when I get paid and get it all sorted away into the right pots.
        1. …in reply to @CodeFoodPixels
          And recently I signed up for Monzo Plus for 1 reason: Virtual cards linked to a pot That means that I can really separate all my money. Any subscription payments come out of a pot just for that and food shopping comes out of another pot
          1. …in reply to @CodeFoodPixels
            Disclosure: I own a small amount of shares in Monzo, but I was a customer for a long time before that. I invested because I'm an extremely happy customer.