CodeFoodPixels’s avatarCodeFoodPixels’s Twitter Archive—№ 11,539

        1. …in reply to @eigenbom
          eigenbom The Red Man wakes up to the sound of his indentured servants crafting the packages that he'll leave in the homes of his victims.
      1. …in reply to @CodeFoodPixels
        eigenbom In one evening, he breaks into every dwelling on the planet while the occupants sleep, eating their food and leaving behind one of his signature packages.
    1. …in reply to @CodeFoodPixels
      eigenbom None of his victims are aware of what else he may be doing while they slumber, and in a bizzarre twist, they celebrate his visit.
  1. …in reply to @CodeFoodPixels
    eigenbom Folklore says that he manages surveillence on the entire population, watching them work, play, eat and sleep, and dividing them into "naughty" and "nice".
    1. …in reply to @CodeFoodPixels
      eigenbom The Red Man visits.