CodeFoodPixels’s avatarCodeFoodPixels’s Twitter Archive—№ 10,238

      1. …in reply to @LeedsFrontEnd
        LeedsFrontEnd - Pick a topic you care about or are interested in learning about. It'll make writing the talk easier - Don't think "everyone knows this already", loads of people won't. Even for the people that do know what you're talking about, you have your own take.
    1. …in reply to @CodeFoodPixels
      LeedsFrontEnd - Build a narrative into your talk, it'll make it flow better and keep your audience engaged - Unless you can code without making mistakes, and can perfectly explain what you're doing while you're coding, avoid live coding. It's way too easy to lose your audience
  1. …in reply to @CodeFoodPixels
    LeedsFrontEnd - Live demos will ALWAYS go wrong. If you absolutely must do one, have a video or something as a backup.