blairguk Pick a topic you care about or know a lot about, build a talk around it and then submit it to conferences. Conferences generally pick based on the talk abstract, so writing one that gets people interested and gets the point of your talk across is hugely important.
blairguk A couple of great articles on writing an abstract are medium.com/@fox/how-to-write-a-successful-conference-proposal-4461509d3e32 and sarahmei.com/blog/2014/04/07/what-your-conference-proposal-is-missing/
blairguk As for finding conferences, I generally use confs.tech and just apply to all the ones I like the look of. My filtering criteria is usually that they have a decent CoC and that they pay for speaker travel/accommodation.
blairguk Also meetups and work events are a great place to practice and refine a talk, but don't let that stop you from submitting it.